Friday, January 23, 2009

MMM - Pizza!

At the beginning of the week, I was personally responsible for helping to stimulate the economy. On Monday, I went out and purchased a new vacuum cleaner (the one in Maine finally bit the dust after about 12 years and a fire inside it), new flatware, a saute pan and new dishes. I also purchased a pizza stone and peel which we tried tonight for the first time!

The first experiment was a pizza with creamed spinach and prosciutto. It was ok, but a bit bland. I think if we had used a different cheese in the creamed spinach (I used cream cheese), and had put more meat toppings on this, it would have been ok.

For the second pizza, we followed a recipe from a pizza-specific cookbook I purchased (more economic stimulus!). This was prosciutto, caramelized onions and marscapone cheese, and turned out delicious!

We'll try some more over the next couple of weeks.

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